
When I make mistakes, I just say “I am brilliant in other ways.” This usually relates to typos and spelling. I know others judge me. I don’t care -not because I am sloppy, lazy, or unconcerned about the King’s English.

It is because I am practicing self-compassion. I often do things that just make sense to me. But then I hear a podcast or talk to my therapist friends and realize “oh, that is a thing.” So here is one of those things: Make Friends With Your Inner Critic. Let Self-criticism Serve You. It does not need to undermine you.

For more listen to this Apple podcast called Being Kind to yourself (Hidden Brain). Or Brene Brown and Simon Sinek chat about developing an Infinite Mindset (his new book). Sinek re-examines the way he looks at strengths and weaknesses at the 20-minute mark. In short, he has learned to appreciate his imperfections. Sinek admits he is chronically disorganized and doesn’t judge himself for it.

This must make neck hairs rise, for those of us who carry a red pen to place an “X” next to all imperfection- I feel for you. But I feel for myself more.

I have heard it said, hire for your weaknesses. In the pursuit of self-improvement, learn to practice self-compassion first.



Sonya Denyse, DreamDevelopment.com

Sonya’s quirky brilliance puts dreams into action. Part artist, part strategist always the creative, Sonya lives what she loves and helps others to do the same.